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The Hidden Pond Substack
Down in the Birch Grove
The grove of grey birches - a signature stopping point on walkabouts around the property
A New Page for the New Year
As we roll over into 2023, I’m rolling out a new page on the website, documenting the changes that have occurred over the years here in Lincolnville.
The Return to Santa Fe
When I travel, it is with questions. I go with some ideas about what I would like to learn, and come home with new information that I could not have envisioned when I set out.
Gilles Clément’s Planetary Garden
As gardeners, we are conditioned to approach gardens “appropriately,” which means that we learn how to impose our designs on a landscape that is always in flux. For instance, it’s been my mission to keep the goldenrod out of the sweet fern, to pull up native jewelweed where I have decided it doesn’t belong.