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The Hidden Pond Substack
Down in the Birch Grove
The grove of grey birches - a signature stopping point on walkabouts around the property
A New Page for the New Year
As we roll over into 2023, I’m rolling out a new page on the website, documenting the changes that have occurred over the years here in Lincolnville.
Gilles Clément’s Planetary Garden
As gardeners, we are conditioned to approach gardens “appropriately,” which means that we learn how to impose our designs on a landscape that is always in flux. For instance, it’s been my mission to keep the goldenrod out of the sweet fern, to pull up native jewelweed where I have decided it doesn’t belong.
The Way Things Grow - Plants and Paintings
The sky is cloudy, the air is damp, and perhaps smoky from the Oregon fires. This is no time to be painting. At 10 A.M., I am outside on the deck with my Bialetti Moka pot of Ruta Maya coffee, just listening and watching. The birds' conversations are ongoing as always, but today, a first. The hummingbird is collecting nectar from the arugula that I let bolt. Arugula (aka rocket) has a beautiful flower stalk and I do like stalky flowers. From now on, I'll enjoy arugula as much for the flowers and hummingbirds as for the salad greens.