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The Way Things Grow - Plants and Paintings
Habitat, News, painting Dudley Zopp Habitat, News, painting Dudley Zopp

The Way Things Grow - Plants and Paintings

The sky is cloudy, the air is damp, and perhaps smoky from the Oregon fires. This is no time to be painting. At 10 A.M., I am outside on the deck with my Bialetti Moka pot of Ruta Maya coffee, just listening and watching. The birds' conversations are ongoing as always, but today, a first. The hummingbird is collecting nectar from the arugula that I let bolt. Arugula (aka rocket) has a beautiful flower stalk and I do like stalky flowers. From now on, I'll enjoy arugula as much for the flowers and hummingbirds as for the salad greens.

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Conversations Across Time: Early Work

Conversations Across Time: Early Work

Seeing chives greening up and buds getting ready to leaf out has me thinking about past springs, when I first came to Maine, and that spring after I moved from Belfast to Lincolnville. Time -- as they say -- marches on, and since it's been more than 30 years that I first walked Lincolnville Beach and really doubled down on painting, I've decided to devote this newsletter to a look at where I was back then, as well as what I think about now when I start a new painting.

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Looking Out, Looking Down
installations, painting, newsletter Dudley Zopp installations, painting, newsletter Dudley Zopp

Looking Out, Looking Down

January was definitely a month when, like the Roman deity Janus, I looked in two directions, out and down. Two weeks ago, as I prepared my Pecha Kucha presentation for the January event at the Rockport Opera House, the idea popped into my head that I'm a sort of gyroscope, now oriented toward the far horizon, now looking down at the ground beneath my feet.

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